Holiday Wish List: Best Toddler Travel Toys

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I recently took a long overseas trip with my kids and stocked up on tons of travel toddler toys before I left. These toys came in handy on the plane, in the airport and in the car during the trip. After the trip they were great to carry in my purse for waiting rooms and to keep in the backseat of the car. Here is my list of the toys for traveling with toddlers for keeping kids entertained on the go (these toddler travel toys are even a blast to play with at home).
1. Tegu Blocks
I had as much fun with these as the kids, building blocks are good toddler travel toys that won't get lost because they all stick together.
This small travel white board was the perfect place for my younger son to draw and my older son to practice writing words. I also brought along some ABC magnets for them to play with on this board as well.
3. Imaginetics
This board with magnets provided endless hours of entertainment for my kids as they made up different stories for all the characters on the board.
These are some of the best toys for traveling with toddlers, I even keep a few in my pocket to keep the kids entertained while we are waiting in lines.