Late last year I traveled overseas alone with my two toddlers, I have to say these great kids travel toys got me through the 12-hour flight!
1. Play-Doh
Was a little skeptical and thought it would be messy, but 2 of the small party size tubs was perfect for the airplane tray.
2. Flash Cards
Perfect kids travel toys for them to look at and you can even come up with games and stories to keep the cards interesting.
3. Books
I grabbed a couple of their favorites and also bought a few new books to surprise them with during the flight.
My older son could figure out some of these puzzles and my younger son had fun playing with the cars.
I have to admit I may have had more fun with this one than the kids!
6. Crayons and Blank Notebook
Do you have any go-to travel toys for toddlers on airplanes?